As women, we know that we experience PD differently than men do. Help contribute to research to collect data on hormones and PD by participating in novel surveys collecting data on by the PD Avengers women’s group. Learn more here.

There are more than 10 million people worldwide diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. How many are women? What is the average age women are diagnosed? How do women react differently to medication than men? There are no clear answers. We need answers.
And so we started the Women's Parkinson's Project to raise our voices for better treatment and research for women with Parkinson’s disease. Learn more here.

My Moves Matter is a Digital Self-Care Companion helps you unlock the power of knowing what works for you so you can live your best life with Parkinson's. With the app you can track your period or menopause symptoms, along with your PD Symptoms to understand how hormones impact PD symptoms. Learn more here and get the app!

Dr. Maria DeLeon is a movement disorder specialist that was diagnosed with YOPD ~15 years ago. Since then, she has authored the book Parkinson’s Diva along with doing a Story Corps interview on NPR. Here she shares her journey with YOPD and lupus along with migraines, melanomas, and thyroid cancer.

Twitchy Woman, or Sharon Krischer, holds a weekly Sunday morning zoom session that is specifically designed for other “twitchy women”. She also has a peer mentoring program for newly diagnosed women including women with YOPD. Learn more here.